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About EE

The most popular department of math and science concentration - Dept. of Electrical Engineering. For example,the science about electric, The course of Electronics 、Circuitry 、electromagnetism. extends to electronic、communication、photoelectric、electricity、network、computer、Electromechanical control and Multimedia Information. People can have the both of theory and practice , can also choose to specialize in theory , or choose to specialize in practice .


The Features of Dept. of Electrical Engineering , undergraduate value General Education and profession . In the profession field , we direct student’s interest and industry demand trend , provide the course of Power conversion、control and computer , establish the profession foundation of Electrical Engineering . To primary level , Dept. of Electrical Engineering put a high value on Electricity theory and Engineering Technology . To senior grades , Dept. of Electrical Engineering major in integrate energy conversion 、Control Theory and Signal processing , minor in the Implemented technology of Chip application and Computer interface .


We hope after four years learning , In addition to have the knowledge of electricity、control and computer foundation , can have the pragmatic ability to immediately Invest in Related products.



就讀於宜蘭大學電機系,預計將於 2020 年畢業。

2016 年畢業於桃園市立南崁高級中學,申請進入宜大電機系,和很多高中生不同的是,早在國小時,因為接觸到樂高機器人,所以就已經立定志向要走電機這條路了,到現在,我依然以身為電機系一份子為榮。大學期間,除了課業外,也有加入系學會,並擔任了一屆系會長。未來打算繼續升學,並希望在相關領域工作。
